Seasonal Fresh Produce Schedule

The Shenandoah Valley Produce Auction is directed to wholesale buyers (such as grocery stores, roadside stands, farm markets, etc.). However, individual consumers who can use produce for canning, freezing or other bulk storage methods are welcome to buy. There are always some smaller lots of produce for sale.

Produce sold at the S.V.P.A. follows strict quality and packaging guidelines. Fruits, vegetables, flowers and other items are picked for optimum freshness and flavor. Then, they are graded and packed in standard containers and sold by the box, pallet or bin lots.

While produce varies by season and availability may vary based on that year’s temperatures, weather conditions for the Shenandoah Valley, and what area growers decide to grow, we have tried to give a general idea of basic produce offered during each season (and whether in early, middle or late parts of the season). If you want to know if an item is still available, please look at recent market reports or contact us.



Asparagus (ML)
Beets (L)
Cabbage (L)
Carrots (L)
Cauliflower (L)
Chard, Swiss (L)
Collards (L)
Lettuce, Hydroponic Bibb (EML)
Lettuce, Leaf (L)
Onions (ML)
Peas, Garden (ML)
Radish (EML)
Spinach (ML)
Tomatoes, Greenhouse (ML)
Turnips (ML)



Beans, Bush (EML)
Beans, Pole (L)
Beans, Lima (L)
Beans, Wax (ML)
Beets (EM)
Broccoli (EM)
Cabbage (EM)
Cabbage, Chinese (EM)
Cantaloupe (ML)
Carrots (E)
Cauliflower (E)
Chard, Swiss (EML)
Collards (E)
Corn, Sweet (ML)
Cucumbers (EML)
Eggplant (ML)
Leeks (L)
Lettuce, Bibb (E)
Lettuce, Hydroponic Bibb (EML)
Lettuce, Leaf (E)
Muskmelon (ML)
Okra (L)
Onions (EML)
Peas, Southern (L)
Peppers (ML)
Potatoes (EML)
Potatoes, Sweet (ML)
Pumpkins (L)
Squash, Summer (EML)
Squash, Winter (L)
Tomatoes (EML)
Watermelon (ML)



Beans, Bush (E)
Beans, Pole (E)
Beans, Lima (EM)
Beans, Wax (E)
Broccoli (ML)
Cabbage (ML)
Cabbage, Chinese (ML)
Cantaloupe (E)
Cauliflower (EML)
Chard, Swiss (EML)
Collards (EML)
Corn, Sweet (E)
Cucumbers (E)
Eggplant (E)
Flowers, Fall (varies)
Leeks (EML)
Lettuce, Bibb (ML)
Lettuce, Hydroponic Bibb (EML)
Lettuce, Leaf (EM)
Muskmelon (E)
Mustard (EML)
Okra (EM)
Onions (EML)
Peas, Southern (EM)
Peppers (E)
Potatoes (EM)
Potatoes, Sweet (EM)
Pumpkins (EM)
Squash, Summer (E)
Squash, Winter (EM)
Tomatoes (E)
Tomatoes, Greenhouse (EML)
Turnips (EML)
Watermelon (E)

LEGEND:     E = Early in Season   |  M = Mid-Season  |  L = Late in Season

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