- The buyer needs to register for a bidder number at the office the first sale they attend. Sales tax will be charged unless a legitimate tax number is on file or an appropriate form.
- As a wholesale auction, the S.V.P.A. assesses a 20% premium to buyers who do not have a sales tax ID number and who purchase less than $1,000 in a year. Any new buyer registering without a sales tax ID number will be assessed the premium. If you purchase over $1,000 in a year, then you can request a credit of the premium for that year. Any existing buyer without a sales tax ID number who bought less than $1,000 the previous year will be assessed the premium.
- The buyer is responsible to inspect produce to be offered for sale. Shenandoah Valley Produce Auction shall not be held liable for misrepresented produce, S.V.P.A. serves as an agent between buyers and sellers; however we will make all effort to satisfy both parties.
- The buyers become owners of produce when bidding is done, and it becomes their responsibility. Shenandoah Valley Produce Auction cannot be responsible for theft or missing or damaged produce or property in loading, unloading, or transporting.
- The buyers shall pay for their products before leaving the auction premises, unless prior credit terms are arranged with the management. Payment shall be cash or check (no credit cards). All accounts need to be settled before buying at the next auction. In the event of bad checks, buyer will be put on cash only, unless such bad debt is immediately taken care of.
- Selling of produce or breaking of lots except through the auction is prohibited while on the auction grounds. Any person caught “splitting” lots on the premises may be penalized $50.
- Products should be removed from the Auction premises in a timely manner. Any items still at the auction 30 minutes prior to the next sale may become property of the SVPA and resold unless other arrangements have been made with the manager.
- Any announcements made on the day of auction shall take precedence over printed material.
- By registering for a buyer’s number the buyer agrees to the terms and conditions above.
Buyer InfoShenandoah Valley Produce Auction2017-04-03T19:27:23+00:00